1. I'm afraid of my own shadow: It seems that with Cataclysm we got much more definition in the game in terms of shadows. I don't think that I remember seeing shadows as clearly in Wrath (though my memory is horrible, so who knows). A neat looking shadow of a dragon in Deepholm:
Anyways, to get back to the point... the shadows are so vivid to the extent that I get freaked out when I'm herbing or mining. I see a shadow and freak out because I think its someone else trying to ninja my herb or node. My heart races a bit faster as I curse the damn ninja, and I swoop down even faster... only to realize it's just my own shadow. And the saddest part is that it is bound to happen again. /sigh
2. Mining in multiples of 5: I have this weird thing that when I'm mining on Kimchee, I like to mine in multiples of 5. This is probably because Kimchee is a JC and will prospect the ore. But even though I never prospect all of the ore I have in my bag, I keep mining until that last stack in my bag is a multiple of 5. So if that last stack is like 17, I'll actually hope that the next ore I mine gives me 3 ore. And if its only 2... or if its 4... there will be a little 'damn' that leaves my mouth and I'll keep mining. I know... I have issues.
Kimchee usually mines in Twilight Highlands, and this makes it even more difficult because along with mining in multiples of 5 is the rule of never leaving when you see additional ore. So even if I finish with that last stack at a multiple of 5, if I see another little pretty yellow dot, I have to go mine that. Which then will ruin my multiple of 5 rule... so then I have to keep going. This is why when I start mining in Twilight Highlands, it takes a really really long time for me to leave.
3. No tolerance for anarchy in the guild bank: It's been a long standing joke that I am a guild bank nazi of sorts... in that it drives me insane when things are in the wrong tab. When I was traveling to Maryland for work a couple weeks ago, I would often not log in during the week while I was working. But when I would get back on Thursday, after checking my mailbox, the second thing I would do is check the guild bank.
Yes, I do check to see what is missing and whether Kimchee needs to resupply any gems. But I also check to see if people have kept it in order. And if I see fish in the gem tab or gems in the food tab, it drives me bananas. I love that the log says exactly who put the wrong item in the wrong tab because then I can admonish them for it. Though I think some guildies do this on purpose now just to see me get all worked up.
4. Saving for a rainy day that never comes: K always has a large stash of herbs in her bank. Its one large herb bag with probably about 5 stacks of each current herb. I was the same way in BC and Wrath. But the strange thing is that I never ever use those herbs. When I'm making flasks or elixirs, I use the herbs I have in the bag I carry around with me (which typically never goes below 4 stacks per herb). And when that stock gets a bit depleted, I go back out to herb. But I never use the stash in my bank.
I don't know, its like its there as some weird security stash... in the event that what, all the herbs would disappear for a while or something? I don't know... I guess it makes me feel safe that its there, in the event of some strange catastrophic herbing emergency. Hee hee.
The really weird thing about these WoW behaviors is that they are generally so unlike how I am in real life. I am so far from the type that these behaviors may imply. When I pick up mail, I throw it on the kitchen island until it piles up too large... and I tend to typically always have clothes strewn around on the floor at the foot of my bed. That's why it is so strange to me that I have these little ingame obsessive compulsive behaviors.
I'm also a horrible procrastinator in real life. Which is again so strange that I have huge inventories of stuff... "just in case". I also tend to make the cauldrons and the fish feasts for our raids after we finish the last raid of the week. Yes, I get those prepared 3-4 days before the first raid of the next raid week... which is just insane for the procrastinator in me.
Because in RL, I tend to follow this rule with most everything I do: