... to be farming Warsong Gulch. Yes my friends, I have officially lost my sanity. Though honestly I was very surprised during my farming last weekend, as I won a lot more than I lost, some of which became insane farm fests. What I learned is that there is a sub-culture of those of us crazy enough to be farming WSG, because I ran into the same people over and over again. And look!
ZOMG! The third cap for Ironman was pretty close. I had several Horde on me when two priests on my team came to save my ass. I was somewhere around the middle of the field when the first priest pulled me forward, then literally a second later I got pulled by the other priest to our tunnel entrance. Priests who know how to use their leap of faith ability well? Hawt. Damn hawt.
I also had the opportunity to run some BGs again Gnomer and his guildies, as well as PP. Topics of discussion during these BG runs? The differences in how we pronounce the word 'banana' and the impending summer for us US folks vs the impending winter for the Aussie folks. They were talking about how cold it was, though celsius temperatures mean nothing to me. I've gotten the time conversion between us down, but I think converting temperatures between C and F is going to be a lot harder.
In other news I been doing a little bit of old world questing to work on Loremaster. The quest rewards have been quite amusing. Two of my favorites from this past weekend?
Unidentified Cooking Utensil
Speaking of which, how come we don't see offhands when you're running around? I mean you can control click on it to "try it on" but when your toon is running around, you don't see the offhand that you see when you're logging in. Weird. If I could always see my offhand, I just my replace my ledger with this pan.
Green Whelp Shoulderguard
These shoulders crack me up because its singular. Just one. Only one shoulder can be protected. What happens to the other shoulder? I guess its the WoW version of those one shoulder tops and dresses girls wear. It amuses me.