Monday, November 9, 2009

Back to the grind

I'm back in Chicago after a super fun time with friends in Chapel Hill. Given that I flew back this morning and woke up at 4:30 am EST, I am super sleepy. I'm feeling a bit like this baby:

Oh... so sleepy.... Anyways, one of my girlfriends was telling me that I should get around to writing this novel/screenplay idea that has been floating around in my head for a while. While I recognize that I've never really written anything long on this blog, I have realized that I do enjoy writing, even if its a tiny bit for a couple days a week.

I was able to log on for a bit yesterday. All I did was stand in IF and chat with some folks a bit. It confirmed for me yet again that I continue to play this game because of the people I play with and the connections/friendships I've made, not necessarily because of the game itself.

Hopefully I will be back to some more WOW related blogging soon! For now, I am doing all I can to prevent my face from smashing down onto my keyboard. Oh, facerolling! Look, I'm a tank!

1 comment:

  1. "For now, I am doing all I can to prevent my face from smashing down onto my keyboard. Oh, facerolling! Look, I'm a tank!"

    Excuse me?
