Last night, Atania, Jess, and I were on and wanted to finally start on the quest chain out in Blades Edge for Ogril'la rep. Sounds good, right? Well it was just 3 of us and the three quests that Mog'dorg gives out are 5 man group quests. We sort of hem and haw a bit, because we have 4 manned 5 man group quests before, but to 3 man them? We finally decide, what the heck, lets give them a shot with what we have.
The only one we had a bit of trouble with was Grulloc Has Two Skulls. A couple deaths were had. But after buffing up with elixirs, scrolls, and food we got him down. The two other quests, Even Gronn Have Standards and Maggoc's Treasure Chest were fine.
What's the lesson here? A well geared tank and healer can allow you to 3 man 5 man group quests. However with only 1 dps, its a long fight. Poor Atania was quite busy last night!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
You make do with what you have
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
8:04 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Where's the Dramamine?
Last night was my first night back playing WOW in two weeks. Something that always happens to me after a break is that I get somewhat sick from the movement in the game! Walking around was bad enough, but flying, oof! It wasn't quite as bad as the picture to the left (screenshot from a funny quest turn in a while back), but I couldn't be on that long.
Couple of notes from my first night back:
1. Pools of fish are a lot harder to see, which I guess they had to do to make the tracking fish skill worthwhile. I'd be sitting there wondering whether I was done fishing the pool for a couple of seconds before realizing the pool was gone.
2. I love the guild bank. My guildies were teasing me for having to organize it as soon as I got in it. But hello! There must be some semblance of order! I like having all similar stuff grouped together. What's odd is that I'm not OCD or neat at all in real life. Just in WOW.
3. My healing gear now has all this additional +dmg stats added. I may not have to switch back and forth between my healing gear and solo gear. Not sure yet about that... will have to do a little more research. Anyways, it seemed to me last night that the casting time on some of my damage spells were reduced. Or maybe the two week break affected my memory...
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
7:51 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The tree lives
Just wanted to check in and thank everyone for their well wishes. I am alive and well... though I am now away from home for Thanksgiving and the internet connection here barely supports blogspot, much less WOW.
It is weird how WOW distorts time... well for me it does. When I was playing a lot and a friend would be away from the game for a week or week and a half, it seriously seemed like they were away for a month! Hopefully my guildies and friends in game haven't forgotten about me. :)
Happy turkey day everyone! Though this picture is a little disturbing with that big axe sitting on top of that poor tree...
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
10:33 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Short break
You guys might have noticed that I haven't blogged as much as usual the last week and a half. I've been dealing with some tough real life (real life... blah) issues, so I haven't been able to play WOW that often, which then cuts down on blogging as well. Its ironic to me that I play a healer... with all her + healing, if only K could "heal" all the crap I'm going through. :(
So I wouldn't be surprised if I take a short break from WOW and blogging until I can get my head back together. I do think that its healthy to take breaks once in a while. People get burnt out, they have life to deal with. Taking this break will hopefully bring K back ready to heal some serious ass!
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
6:12 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Healing status and gear update 11.12.07
Updated weapon and cloak with two epics. Jess says I'm starting to look like a grape with all my purples.
I believe my stats now make me Kara ready, which is absolutely crazy. Am I right that the rough healer standards are at least +1000 healing and +80-90 combat MP5? If so, what is really crazy is that I've gotten these stats with epics that were all crafted or bought. So you see, you don't have to run a million instances!
All stats unbuffed, no potions, no food, no scrolls, no nothing!
[The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min] Off-hand:
[Netherwing Spiritualist's Charm] Idol:
[Harold's Rejuvenating Broach] Head:
[Hood of Primal Life] Neck:
[Natasha's Guardian Cord] Shoulders:
[Pauldrons of Arcane Rage] Back:
[Lifegiving Cloak] Chest:
[Lifewarden's Breastplate] Wrists:
[Goldenvine Wraps] Hands:
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Waist:
[Boneshredder Belt of the Hierophant] Legs:
[Pants of Living Growth] Feet:
[Moonstrider Boots]
[Witching Band] Ring:
[Celestial Jewel Ring] Trinket:
[Osu'gun Relic] Trinket:
[Heavenly Inspiration]
Level: 70
Health: 6364
Mana: 7625
Intellect: 369
Spirit: 354
+Healing: 1017
+MP5: 290/92
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
6:45 AM
Labels: Healing
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I can't watch!
So I mentioned the other day how I've started pvping in battlegrounds. Can I just say how much I hate rogues? Apologies to D and Atania, but I hates them pesky rogues. Especially when they keep doing whatever it is they do and I just have to sit there helpless and watching my impending death. I sort of feel like this bunny above. So sad, so sad.
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
1:25 PM
Labels: pvp
Monday, November 5, 2007
Holy crap!
Holy crap #2: After waiting what seemed forever, I finally got my Hood of Primal Life and Gloves of Living Touch made this past weekend, one day after the other! The hood makes me look especially rogue-y, it covers my face. Holy crap #3: I skipped the fishing tournament yesterday to go to Arathi battleground with Atania. We went to Warsong for the first time as well. I'd like to apologize to the 8 other alliance members who were on our team because we were absolutely clueless in Warsong. What? When did I get into pvp? Im still learning, but what's fun is that I'm using all sorts of spells I haven't used in a long long time. Yeah take that! Entangling roots! Hurricane! Cyclone! Its actually sort of fun doing some damage for a change.
Holy crap #1: D dinged the big 70 last night! Yay! Check out the picture on the left. D looks so pensive sitting on that chair...
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
8:04 AM
Healing status and gear update 11.5.07
Updated helm, gloves, ring, trinket, and off-hand.
All stats unbuffed, no potions, no food, no scrolls, no nothing!
[The Essence Focuser] Off-hand:
[Netherwing Spiritualist's Charm] Idol:
[Harold's Rejuvenating Broach] Head:
[Hood of Primal Life] Neck:
[Natasha's Guardian Cord] Shoulders:
[Pauldrons of Arcane Rage] Back:
[Cloak of Healing Rays] Chest:
[Lifewarden's Breastplate] Wrists:
[Goldenvine Wraps] Hands:
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Waist:
[Boneshredder Belt of the Hierophant] Legs:
[Pants of Living Growth] Feet:
[Moonstrider Boots]
[Witching Band] Ring:
[Celestial Jewel Ring] Trinket:
[Osu'gun Relic] Trinket:
[Heavenly Inspiration]
Level: 70
Health: 6484
Mana: 7400
Intellect: 354
Spirit: 371
+Healing: 914
+MP5: 298/91
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
7:46 AM
Labels: Healing
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Blog off!
Look at this t-shirt I got! It could mean one of three things.
1. I could be challenging my fellow bloggers to an allout blogging competition.
Want your own? Or any other cute and funny t-shirts? Go to Steve and Barry's where I got mine.
2. It could be my "screw you" response to people who annoy me.
3. I could be a hedgehog in real life. A cute hedgehog, but a hedgehog nonetheless.
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
9:40 AM
Labels: Blogging
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Grinding gold
Ok, I can only blog so many times about how lucrative fishing is. (However, if you are on Drenden, please disregard what I just said. If I see you in any of my fishing spots, it's on baby!!! I will whack you upside the head with my 46.5 dps fishing pole.) Anyways, I know not everyone has the patience to fish or to level it up to fish the Outlands.
So I thought I'd give another (non-profession tied) suggestion for making gold, grinding materials needed for various reps. The mobs that drop these items are easy kills, level 61-64 I believe. Lots of people need rep and are not willing to grind the stuff themselves. Thus, they can go for a pretty penny on the AH. On average, I would say each of the items below are listed on the AH for anywhere from 50-75 silver. That's 10-15g per stack... sometimes more.
1. Collect Firewing signets which are used for Scryer rep. Grind them up in Firewing Point in Terokkar. I'm sure the same applies for Aldor rep, but I'm not Aldor so I don't know what their thingies are.
2. If you are an herbalist, collect Unidentified plant parts for Cenarion Expedition rep. Even if you are not an herbalist, a great place to grind is the Dead Mire in NE Zangarmarsh. Unidentified plant parts and Motes of Life (1 primal life averages 7g on Drenden) drop frequently from the mobs.
3. Collect Arrakoa feathers for Lower City rep. The market for these may go down a bit in the future with the rep requirement changes to run heroics. But there will still be people who need to get to honored. I found the best place to grind these feathers was Veil Shienor in Terokkar. Drop rates vary, but on average an hour of grinding got me 45 feathers, 6 decent selling greens, and tons of cloth.
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
12:44 PM
Labels: Economy