After another couple of days of farming honor (and let me just say, no one can outheal me in AV! muah ha ha ha!), I'm all ready to get [Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders] from Champions Hall. Well in all my excitement, I accidently get the Gladiator's Wrymhide Spaulders! Why in the heck are these things named so similar? Arrgh!!!
So I'm sitting there berating my foolishness when Jess tells me to try asking a GM to do something about it. I didn't think they did stuff like this, but I put in a ticket. Long story short, a couple hours later, they restored my honor and marks! I was then able to go get the shoulders I originally wanted.
With my new pvp rewards my +healing is now at 1174. Nice!
All stats unbuffed, no potions, no food, no scrolls, no nothing!
Level: 70
Weapon: [The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min] Off-hand: [Netherwing Spiritualist's Charm] Idol: [Harold's Rejuvenating Broach] Head: [Hood of Primal Life] Neck: [Natasha's Guardian Cord] Shoulders: [Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders] Back: [Lifegiving Cloak] Chest: [Lifewarden's Breastplate] Wrists: [Vindicator's Kodohide Bracers] Hands: [Gloves of the Living Touch] Waist: [Vindicator's Kodohide Belt] Legs: [Pants of Living Growth] Feet: [Moonstrider Boots] Ring: [Witching Band] Ring: [Celestial Jewel Ring] Trinket: [Osu'gun Relic] Trinket: [Heavenly Inspiration]
Health: 6864
Mana: 8375
Intellect: 419
Spirit: 302
+Healing: 1174
+MP5: 281/138
Sunday, December 30, 2007
D'oh! And new Healing stats
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
9:43 AM
Labels: Healing
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Because nothing says Christmas quite like dressing up as a gnome and taking a ride on Rudolph...
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
1:36 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Finally, I am the Master Angler
This must have been my fifth try, but finally I won the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza today!!! However, it must be prefaced with the fact that there weren't as many competitors as usual. I won even though my laptop unexpectedly shut down in the middle of it and I had to reboot, probably losing me 3 or 4 minutes.
Basically, I followed the strategy I posted about before. I started at the bridge at 27,69 where there were two pools behind the bridge, one in front and I was the only one fishing those 3 pools. Then I just stayed on the coast up to 25,58 where there can be 3 more pools. Two right next to each other, then one a little further off to the right. Again, I alone fished those 3 pools. I believe I was able to win despite losing 4 minutes because I didn't spend that much time traveling to look for pools.
So now I am carrying around
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
4:50 PM
Labels: Professions
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Hmmm decisions, decisions.
Due to my stupidity, I have been stuck at O'hare airport trying to get home to North Carolina for 9 hours now. I've picked up this really bad habit lately of pushing it too close for flights, relying on my frequent flyer mile status and upgrade status to fly me through. Well I missed my flight this morning (first time ever) and have been stuck in the Admirals Club ever since. At least I have free wireless in here... even ran a couple of AV runs earlier!
So what do you do in an airport for 9 hours? Ponder the meaning of life? What happens after death? Ponder what system could be worse than the airline system? (I would vote healthcare.) No... you ponder purchases. Specifically, you ponder pvp purchases.
So I would really like to upgrade my crappy shoulders and waist with pvp gear. I mentioned the other day that I'd love to get the But I also want
So what should I get first? Which of my current pieces sucks more? My shoulders or belt?
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
2:29 PM
Labels: pvp
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Spellthread... what?
So I'm just tooling around last night, actually more like farming honor in AV, when Jess asks me whether I knew about golden spellthread. She found it persusing the AH. Huh, spellthread? Well much to my surprise, its like an enchant on pants: [Golden Spellthread] I bought it off the AH for about 200g, which I think is definitely worth the +66 healing! So my pants went from +77 healing to +143. How come I didn't know about this before? /sigh
On another note, I would like to present a quest to you readers.
Find Daihiro:
The Left Claw's GM Daihiro has been missing for two weeks now. Find Daihiro and let Keredria or Jessika know of his whereabouts.
You will receive K and Jess' eternal gratitude. Ok we'll throw 10g in there as well.
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
9:38 AM
Labels: Healing
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Back from vacation and healing status update
I mentioned before I left for vacation that I updated my bracers. New stats below. Next, I'd love to get the [Vindicator's Kodohide Belt]. But it requires 17,850 honor... ugh.
Jess reminded me though that there are these things she's heard about called instances... that maybe we should check them out sometime. I guess it's been a little quiet lately as a number of guildies and other friends haven't been on. I guess with the holidays, this was bound to happen. Jess and Atania pugged an instance while I was on vacation with a shammy healer. The horror! The betrayal! lol
All stats unbuffed, no potions, no food, no scrolls, no nothing!
[The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min] Off-hand:
[Netherwing Spiritualist's Charm] Idol:
[Harold's Rejuvenating Broach] Head:
[Hood of Primal Life] Neck:
[Natasha's Guardian Cord] Shoulders:
[Pauldrons of Arcane Rage] Back:
[Lifegiving Cloak] Chest:
[Lifewarden's Breastplate] Wrists:
[Vindicator's Kodohide Bracers] Hands:
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Waist:
[Boneshredder Belt of the Hierophant] Legs:
[Pants of Living Growth] Feet:
[Moonstrider Boots]
[Witching Band] Ring:
[Celestial Jewel Ring] Trinket:
[Osu'gun Relic] Trinket:
[Heavenly Inspiration]
Level: 70
Health: 6464
Mana: 7760
Intellect: 378
Spirit: 339
+Healing: 1028
+MP5: 300/135
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
6:00 AM
Labels: Healing
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
K on vacation
This will be my last post for about a week and a half. I am going on vacation and will be in Stockholm and Rome. It'll be a nice way to escape the Chicago snow, though I realize Stockholm won't be warm and sunny either. But look how pretty it looks!
Thanks for everyone's input on my post from yesterday. I do believe that Alterac Valley may have become my favorite BG. Its definitely less frustrating when I can try to hide amongst 40 players. I got nearly 4400 honor yesterday, which was insane. I had like 4 awesome wins in AV in a row. So this morning, I logged on to buy my new bracers!
Finally, I had to share this. I mentioned before how I can see on my statcounter the specific search terms that landed people on my blog. I'm looking at this the other day, and I kid you not, someone landed on my blog via the search "how to change from being a skank". What in the?!?! I don't know what's funnier that my blog came up or that someone felt that needed to google that phrase. It fed into my post on being a female gamer where I think I mentioned how some armor turns up skanky on the female characters. But hey, beyond sharing my silly stories with you readers, I'm glad if I can help at all on how to not be a skank!
Until I'm back, happy raiding, questing, fishing, killing, pvping, farming everyone!
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
8:32 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sigh... an alliance healer's plight in BGs
While we've had some guildies away on hopefully temporary breaks, I've been doing more and more battlegrounds. I figure its a good way to get some pretty good gear. Yesterday alone I got almost 3000 honor! But that was a little much.
Im currently going for an upgrade on my crappy bracers. They'll cost me 11,794 honor points and 20 marks from Warsong Gulch. I need about 3,000 more honor points to get them.
See crappy current bracers:
[Goldenvine Wraps] See improved future bracers:
[Vindicator's Kodohide Bracers] Ok, so I'm still relatively new to battlegrounds. Um, where are the other alliance healers? Often times I am seemingly the only healer! Can I also just vent that the Horde seem to be really good at figuring out I am a healer, tracking me down, and taking down my ass? I was in a BG last night when someone in the group asked why alliance healers suck in battlegrounds. And I asked why alliance sucks at protecting their healers in battlegrounds. No but seriously, is it just that alliance healers don't do BGs?
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
8:27 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
How you can use WOW to get over a breakup
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was dealing with some real life drama where I needed to take a break from WOW for a bit. In fact, I was and still am getting over a tough breakup of a long term relationship. I've come back to playing again and I've realized that yes, you can use WOW to help you get over a breakup.
1. Strip down, dance naked on the AH table, and flirt wildly with that hot night elf or cute gnome you've always had an eye on.
So you see, WOW can help you get over a breakup! Oh lol... I am such a dork. :)
2. Go to a battleground and take out all your anger and hurt on the opposite faction. For every red name you see, insert your ex's name. Then proceed to do some serious damage.
3. Go on a wild shopping spree and buy that leet purple epic you've always had an eye on.
4. Get everything in order! Clean and reorganize your bank and bags.
5. Talk to your friends in game about it. Many thanks to D and Jess for listening to my pathetic ass over the last couple of weeks. I especially loved when Jess, our tank, said she'd like to shield bash him. :)
6. If you are a girl, realize that guy + wow = geek, but girl + wow = hawt. At least this is what Jess says.
7. So because of #6, go to a public place, maybe a coffee shop, and bust out the WOW. Sit back as curious guys come to talk to you and offer you pieces of toffee cookies (inside joke for Atania).
Posted by
Carolina Blue Dreams
10:39 AM
Labels: Humor